Available Programs and Courses

You Have Options at Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) offers several ideal solutions for students who have not yet completed high school and wish to earn their diploma. Depending on your unique situation, Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) has a uprogram that allows you to complete your high school diploma as quickly as possible while giving you the necessary tools to prepare you for success career wise and at the university level. No matter what program you decide is right for you, you can rest assured that you are on a path to secure a better future for yourself with Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School). Although the online lesson modules and video/audio lectures are designed to help you learn independently, AIU faculty and staff are available to assist you every step of the way. The programs may be taken virtually via distance learning without physical class attendance, all required materials are available at the online student section.

High School Program

(For students needing 6 credits or to graduate)


High School Program

(For students needing 7 or more credits or to graduate)



For students who wish to take individual courses for learning or training purposes, Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) has a wide range of choices to help you get ahead. Unless enrolled in a program, individual courses will not result in obtaining a Diploma. Individual course tuition is $200.00/course.


English / English I

PART A: The Influences of Language on Literature

Lesson 1: Ancient Cultures and the Development of Language

Lesson 2: Philosophers,Great Poets and Western European Drama

PART B: The Conventions of Reading,Speaking and Writing

Lesson 3: The Conventions of Reading, Speaking and Writing

PART C: Movements and Myth in Literature and Drama

Lesson 4: Movements and Myth in Literature and Drama

Lesson 5: Fantasy and Myth in Literature

English / English II


Lesson 1: Society and Politics: 19th to 20th Century

Lesson 2: Theatres and Transitions


Lesson 3: The Essay (1)


Lesson 4: The Essay (2)

Lesson 5: Mary Shelly

English / English III


Lesson 1: Author of Influence in the 19th Century

Lesson 2: 19th and 20th Century Playwrights and the Theatre


Lesson 3: American Author's


Lesson 4: Author's and Poets of Influence: 19th Century

Lesson 5: Poets with Purpose: Poets of Reason and Romance

English / English IV


Lesson 1: Author of Influence in the 19th Century

Lesson 2: 19th and 20th Century Playwrights and the Theatre


Lesson 3: American Author's


Lesson 4: Author's and Poets of Influence: 19th Century

Lesson 5: Poets with Purpose: Poets of Reason and Romance

Math / Algebra I

PART I: The Real Number System

Lesson 1.1: Rational Numbers, Real Numbers and Properties

Lesson 1.2: Exponents and Radicals

Lesson 1.3: Scientific Notation

PART II: Variables And Polynomials

Lesson 2.1: Variables, Algebraic expressions, and Formulas

Lesson 2.2: Polynomials, Like Terms, and Degree

Lesson 2.3: Multiplication, Powers of Monomials, and Factoring

Lesson 2.4: Multiplication of Polynomials

Lesson 2.5: Factoring Trinomials

Lesson 2.6: Division of Polynomials

PART : Equations And Inequalities

Lesson 3.1: Equations.Linear Equations.

Lesson 3.2: Systems of Linear Equations.

Lesson 3.3: Practical Word Problems.

Lesson 3.4: Inequalities

Lesson 3.5: Quadratic Equations.

Lesson 3.6: Descriptive Statistics.

Math / Algebra II

PART I: Complex Numbers

Lesson 1.1: Properties. Forms of Representation.

Lesson 1.2: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Complex Numbers.

Lesson 1.3: Division of Complex Numbers.

PART II: Sequences And Series Of Real Numbers

Lesson 2.1: Arithmetic Sequences.

Lesson 2.2: Geometric Sequences.

PART III: Equations Of Straight Lines

Lesson 3.1: Slope Intercept Equations of Straight Lines.

Lesson 3.2: Horizontal, Vertical and parallel Lines.

PART IV: Systems Of Equations Determinants

Lesson 4.1: Cramer's Rule.

Lesson 4.2: Quadratic Inequalities.Graphic Solution.

PART V: Radicals Properties And Operations

Lesson 5.1: Radicals.Rationalization.

Lesson 5.2: Introduction to Probability. Concept of Probability.

Math / Geometry

PART I: Complex Numbers

Lesson 1.1: Properties. Forms of Representation.

Lesson 1.2: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Complex Numbers.

Lesson 1.3: Division of Complex Numbers.

PART II: Sequences And Series Of Real Numbers

Lesson 2.1: Arithmetic Sequences.

Lesson 2.2: Geometric Sequences.

PART III: Equations Of Straight Lines

Lesson 3.1: Slope Intercept Equations of Straight Lines.

Lesson 3.2: Horizontal, Vertical and parallel Lines.

PART IV: Systems Of Equations Determinants

Lesson 4.1: Cramer's Rule.

Lesson 4.2: Quadratic Inequalities.Graphic Solution.

PART V: And Operations

Lesson 5.1: Radicals.Rationalization.

Lesson 5.2: Introduction to Probability. Concept of Probability.

Math / Pre-Calculus

PART I: Functions and Graphs

Lesson 1.1: Basic Definitions and Notations.

Lesson 1.2: Composite and Inverse Functions.

Lesson 1.3: Transformation of Graph.

PART II: Linear and Absolute Value Functions

Lesson 2.1: Linear Equations and Inequalities in one Variable

Lesson 2.2: Linear Equations and Inequalities with Absolute Value

Lesson 2.3: Equations of Straight Lines. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines.

Lesson 2.4: Systems of Linear Equations with three Variables. Determinants of Order 3.

PART III: Polynomial and Rational Functions

Lesson 3.1: Roots of Polynomial Equations. The Remainder Theorem.

Lesson 3.2: Graphing Rational Functions. Zeros and Asymptotes of Graphs.

PART IV: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Lesson 4.1: Definition and properties of Logarithms.

Lesson 4.2: Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

Lesson 4.3: Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Applications.

PART V: Trigonometry and Applications

Lesson 5.1: Angles and their Measure.

Lesson 5.2: The Trigonometric Functions of an Angle.

Lesson 5.3: Solving Triangles. The law of Cosines. The law of Sines. Applications.

Lesson 5.4: The Sine and Cosine Functions. General Trigonometry.

Lesson 5.5: Trigonometric Equations.

Sciencie / Biology I


Lesson 1: Similarities Among Living Things.

Lesson 2: Chemical Basis of Life.

Lesson 3: A Look at Cells.

Lesson 4: When Do Cells Divide.


Lesson 5: Earth's Early History.

Lesson 6: Classification.


Lesson 7: Viruses.Monerans.

Lesson 8: Protists. Fungi.

Lesson 9: Photosynthesis. Plant Structure.


Lesson 10: Animals. Sponges.Cnidarians. Worms and Mollusks.

Lesson 10: Arthropods and Crusteans. Spiders and Insects.

Sciencie / Biology II


Lesson 1: Similarities Among Living Things.

Lesson 2: Genetics and Predictions/LAB Assignment

Lesson 3: Darwin and His Theory


Lesson 4: Vertebrates.Fishes.Amphibians.

Lesson 5: Reptiles.Birds.


Lesson 6: Mammals.Animal Behaviour.

Lesson 7: Body Systems.Skeletal System.

Lesson 8: Digestive System. Excretory System.

Lesson 9: Respiratory System.Circulatory System.

Sciencie / Chemistry

PART 1: The Scope of Chemistry

Lesson 1.1: Chemistry History

Lesson 1.2: Chemistry's Background

PART 2: Measurement and the Scientific Method

Lesson 2.1: Units of Measurement

Lesson 2.2: It's a Numbers Game

Lesson 2.3: Problem Solving

Lesson 2.4: The Scientific Method

PART 3: The Process of Chemistry

Lesson 3.1: Discovery

Lesson 3.2: Lessons in Chemistry

Lesson 3.3: The Basics of Chemistry

PART 4: The Atom

Lesson 4.1: Atom & Eve

Lesson 1.2: Atomic Models

Lesson 4.3: Atomic Structure

Lesson 4.4: Subatomic Happenings

PART 5: Radioactivity and Isotopes

Lesson 5.1: Isotopes

Lesson 5.2: Radioactivity

PART 6: Electron Levels

Lesson 6.1: Electrostatic Attraction

Lesson 6.2: Electron Levels

Lesson 6.3: Electron Orbital

Lesson 6.4: The Noble Elements

Lesson 6.5: Orbital Shapes

Lesson 6.6: Spectral Lines and Electron Levels

PART 7: The Periodic Elements

Lesson 7.1: Types of Elements

Lesson 7.2: Charged Particles

Lesson 7.3: Salts

Lesson 7.4: Valence

Lesson 7.5: Groups

Lesson 7.6: Bonding

PART 8: Molecules

Lesson 8.1: Structure and Form of Molecules

Lesson 8.2: Electro Negativity

Lesson 8.3: Oxidation

Lesson 8.4: Nomenclature

PART 9: More Complex Chemistry

Lesson 9.1: Radicals

Lesson 9.2: Isomers

Lesson 9.3: Alcohols as Examples

Lesson 9.4: Models of Molecules

Lesson 9.5: Hydrocarbons

PART 10: Chemical Reactions and Combinations

Lesson 10.1: Adding It all Up

Lesson 10.2: Hot or Cold?

Lesson 10.3: A Balancing Act

Lesson 10.4: Chemical Solutions

Lesson 10.5: Acids, Bases, and Other Anomalies

PART 11: Matter

Lesson 11.1: Weighing In

Lesson 11.2: Types of Matter

Lesson 11.3: Characteristics of Matter

Lesson 11.4: Combinations of Matter

Lesson 11.5: Concentration and Density

PART 12: Research and Careers

Lesson 12.1: Careers

Lesson 12.2: Research

Sciencie / Physics


Lesson 1: Matter.World of Physical Science

Lesson 2: Matter in Motion.Forces in Motion

Lesson 3: Work and Machines.Energy and Resources


Lesson 4: Chemical Bonding.Atomic Energy

Lesson 5: Electricity and Electromagnetism

Lesson 6: Energy of Waves.Sound.Light

Social Sciencie / Economics


Lesson 1: The Basic Problem in Economics

Lesson 2: Characteristics of the American Economy

Lesson 3: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities


Lesson 4: Government Regulation of Credit

Lesson 5: Investing - Taking Risks With Your Savings

Lesson 6: Demand and the Demand Curve


Lesson 7: Government Policies

Lesson 8: Business Fluctuations


Lesson 9: The Federal Reserve System and the Money Supply

Lesson 10: Unemployment and Inflation


Lesson 11: Introduction to Lesson 11

Social Sciencie / US Government

PART A: The Many Forms of Government

Lesson 1.1: Unlimited Governments

Lesson 1.2: Limited Government

Lesson 1.3: The united States Constitution

PART B: The Political Process

Lesson 2.1: What is the Pollitical Process

Lesson 2.2: Political Parties

Lesson 2.3: Mass Media Influence Our Opinions

PART C: The United States Congress

Lesson 3.1: The Role of Congress

Lesson 3.2: How Congress is Organized

Lesson 3.3: Powers Given to Congress

Lesson 3.4: How a Bill Becomes a Law

PART D: The Presidency

Lesson 4.1: Who can Be President?

Lesson 4.2: The Many Roles of the President

Lesson 4.3: How the President is Elected

PART E: The Judiciary

Lesson 5.1: The Constitutional Foundation for the Federal courts

Lesson 5.2: Structure of State and Federal Courts

Lesson 5.3: The Makeup of the Supreme Court

PART F: State and Local Government

Lesson 6.1: Federalism: A Constant Tug of War

Lesson 6.2: State Government

Lesson 6.3: Counties and the States

Social Sciencie / US History

PART A: Digital History Online Texbook (Ethnic Voices, Native Americans Parts I-iii)

Lesson 1: The First Americans

Lesson 2: key Events in Early American History

Lesson 3: The United States After the Revolution

PART B: US History Textbook, In The Course Of Human Events

Lesson 4: Politics Reform and Conflict

Lesson 5: The North and The South

Lesson 6: Time of Crisis

Lesson 7.1-7.4: The Nation at War

Lesson 7.5-7.7: Reconstruction

Lesson 8: The Nation Transformed

Lesson 9: The Progressive Era

Lesson 10: America in the Twenties

Lesson 11: The Great Crash and the Depression

Lesson 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal

Lesson 13: The Second World War

Lesson 14: The Cold War

Lesson 15: The Eisenhower Era

Lesson 16.1-16.3: John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (Part I)

Lesson 16.4-16.8: John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (Part II)

Lesson 17: The Nixon Years

Lesson 18: The Reagan Era

Lesson 19: The Bush and Cllinton Administration

Lesson 20: America in the Twenty-First Century

Social Sciencie / World History


Lesson 1: People of the World

Lesson 2: Early River Civilization


Lesson 3: Classical Greece

Lesson 4: Rome and Early Christianity

Lesson 5: India and China

Lesson 6: African Civilizations


Lesson 7: Muslim World

Lesson 8: Empires in East Asia

Lesson 9: European Middle Ages

Lesson 10: The Church and the Crusades


Lesson 11: The Renaissance and the Reformation

Lesson 12: Science and the Church

Lesson 13: World War II

Technology / Computer Applications I


Lesson 1: Understanding Computers and Computer Literacy

Lesson 2: The Internet and the World Wide Web

Lesson 3: The Internet and Research

Lesson 4: How a Computer Processes Data

Lesson 5: Input,Output and Storage

Lesson 6: Operating Systems and Software

Lesson 7: Networks


Lesson 8: Windows and File Management

Lesson 9: Word Processing

Lesson 10: Presentation Graphics

Lesson 11: Spreadsheets

Lesson 12: Databases


Lesson 13: Evaluating Electronic Information

Technology / Computer Applications II


Lesson 1: Understanding Computers and Computer Literacy

Lesson 2: The Internet and the World Wide Web

Lesson 3: The Internet and Research

Lesson 4: How a Computer Processes Data

Lesson 5: Input,Output and Storage

Lesson 6: Operating Systems and Software

Lesson 7: Networks


Lesson 8: Windows and File Management

Lesson 9: Word Processing

Lesson 10: Presentation Graphics

Lesson 11: Spreadsheets

Lesson 12: Databases


Lesson 13: Evaluating Electronic Information

Technology / Web Design


Lesson 1: Getting Started with Microsoft FrontPage

Lesson 2: Creating a Web Site

Lesson 3: Working on the Web Site's Hyperlinks and Appearance

Lesson 4: Working with Pictures

Lesson 5: Creating a Table

Lesson 6: Creating a Frames Page

Lesson 7: Creating a Form

Lesson 8: Working in a Published Web Site

Lesson 9: Creating a Web Site on a Web Server

Lesson 10: Using File Management Techniques

Lesson 11: Designing Web Pages with Layout Tables

Lesson 12: Using a Dynamic Web Template

Lesson 13: Using Office Components

Lesson 14: Integrating a Database with a Web Site

Lesson 15: Working with User - Defined Styles

Foreign Languages / Spanish I

PART A: Preliminary Lesson

Lesson 1: Coversaciones breves

Lesson 2: Por teléfono

Lesson 3: Susana solicita trabajo

Lesson 4: ¿Bailamos?

Lesson 5: ¿Vamos a Madrid?

Lesson 6: Un viaje a Perú

Lesson 7: En un restaurante cubano

Lesson 8: Hablando de las vacaciones

Lesson 9: Un día muy ocupado

Lesson 10: Planes de vacaciones

Lesson 11: En el hospital

Lesson 12: Camino a San Jose

Foreign Languages / Spanish II

PART I: Sobre la Educación

Lesson 1.1: El presente indicativo de verbos irregulares

Lesson 1.1.1: Verbos Irregulares en la primera persona

Lesson 1.2: Usos de los verbos "ser" y "estar"

Lesson 1.3: El presente indicativo de verbos con cambios de la raiz

Lesson 1.4: La "a" personal

PART II: Vacaciones

Lesson 2.1: Adjetivos posesivos

Lesson 2.2: Pronombres posesivos

Lesson 2.3: El Presente Progresivo

Lesson 2.4: Formas pronominales en función de complemento directo

PART III: De Compras

Lesson 3.1: Usos y omisiones de los artículos definidos e indefinidos

Lesson 3.2: Formas pronominales en función de complemento indirecto

Lesson 3.3: El pretérito

Lesson 3.4: Verbos que cambian en el pretérito

PART IV: Hablando de are

Lesson 4.1: El Imperfecto

Lesson 4.2: El pretérito contrastado con el imperfecto

Lesson 4.3: Verbos que requieren una construcción especial

Lesson 4.4: Pronombre de complemento directo e indirecto usados juntos

PART V: En un Restaurante

Lesson 5.1: Construcciones Reflexivas

Lesson 5.2: Comparativos de Igualdad y Desigualdad

Lesson 5.3: Los Pronombres relativos

Lesson 5.4: Usos de las preposiciones "por" y "para"

PART VI: La Salud y la Nutrición

Lesson 6.1: El modo subjuntivo

Lesson 6.2: El subjuntivo con verbos y expresiones de voluntad y deseo

Lesson 6.3: El subjuntivo con verbos y expresiones impersonales de emoción

Lesson 6.4: El imperativo: "Ud." y "Uds."

PART VII: Los Deportes y las Actividades al Aire Libre

Lesson 7.1: El Imperativo de la primera personal del plural

Lesson 7.2: El subjuntivo para expresar duda, incredulidad y negación

Lesson 7.3: El subjuntivo para expresar lo definido y lo inexistente

Lesson 7.4: xpresiones de tiempo con "Hacer"

PART VIII: Costumbres y Tradiciones

Lesson 8.1: El imperativo: "Tú" y "Vosotros"

Lesson 8.2: El participio pasado

Lesson 8.3: El pretérito perfecto y el pluscuamperfecto

Lesson 8.4: Posición de los adjetivos

PART IX: El transporte del Futuro

Lesson 9.1: El futuro

Lesson 9.2: El condicional

Lesson 9.3: El futuro perfecto y el condicional perfecto

Lesson 9.4: Género de los nombres: Casos especiales

PART X: Nuestras grandes ciudades: Problemas y Soluciones

Lesson 10.1: Expresiones que requieren el subjuntivo o el indicativo

Lesson 10.2: El imperfecto del subjuntivo

Lesson 10.3: El imperfecto del subjuntivo en oraciones condicionales

Lesson 10.4: El infinitivo

PART XI: El Cine y la Televisión

Lesson 11.1: Los tiempos compuestos del subjuntivo

Lesson 11.2: El subjuntivo: Resumen General

Lesson 11.3: Las preposiciones

Lesson 11.4: Usos especiales de algunas preposiciones

PART XII: Los Estados Unidos hispánicos

Lesson 12.1: La voz pasiva

Lesson 12.2: Construcciones con "se"

Lesson 12.3: Usos de "pero", "sino", y "sino que"

Lesson 12.4: Algunas expresiones idiomáticas comunes

Health / Fitness & Life-Style

PART I: Developing your Emotional Potential

Lesson 1: The Power of Self Belief

Lesson 2: Setting Realistic Goals

Lesson 3: Understanding Systems

PART II: Developing your Intellectual Potential

Lesson 4: Improving your Thinking Skills

Lesson 5: Improving your Study Skills

Lesson 6: Planning your Education

PART III: Developing your Physical Potential

Lesson 7: Eating Well

Lesson 8: Staying Healthy

Lesson 9: Changing Habits: The Self-Change Model

PART IV: Developing your Social Potential

Lesson 10: Communicating Effectively

Lesson 11: Effective Listening

Lesson 12: Effective Speaking

Lesson 13: Getting Along with Others

Lesson 14: Functioning In Groups

Lesson 15: How To Delegate

PART V: Developing your Action Plan

Lesson 16: Handling Change and Stress

Lesson 17: Managing Time

Lesson 18: Managing Money

Lesson 19: Preparing for your Career

Lesson 20: Bring it all Together

Health / Personal Fitness

PART I: Developing your Physical Potential and Well being

Lesson 1: Eating Well

Lesson 2: Staying Healthy

Lesson 3: Excercise for Healthy Living

Lesson 4: Changing Habits: The Self-Change Model

Arts & Others / Art & Design I


Introduction to Art and Design I

PART A: Intro to Art and Design I

Lesson 1: Basic Perceptual and Composition Skills

Assignment: Introduction to Art I (Optional)

Lesson 2: Material List and Setting up a Workplace

Assignment: Intro to Materials (Optional)

PART B: The Elements and Principles of Art and Design

Lesson 3: The Elements of Art: Building Blocks

Assignment: Elements of Art (Optional)

Lesson 4: The Principles of Design: Theory

Assignment: Principles of Design (Optional)

PART C: Fundamental Techniques: Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture

Lesson 5: Drawing-Line-1D

Assignment: Landscape (Optional)

Lesson 6: Painting-Color-2D

Assignment: Painting-Color (Optional)

Lesson 7: Sculpture-Form-3D

Assignment: Sculpture (Optional)

PART D: Other Art Disciplines

Lesson 8: Camera Arts

Assignment: Camera Arts (Optional)

Lesson 9: Graphic Design

Assignment: Graphic Design (Optional)

Lesson 10: Printmaking

Assignment: Printmaking (Optional)

Lesson 11: Crafts

Assignment: Crafts (Optional)

PART E: History of Art-Modern Times

Lesson 12: History of Modern Art

Assignment: History of Modern Art (Optional)


Portfolio Development/ Exhibition

Arts & Others / Art & Design II

PART A: Introduction to Art and Design II

Lesson 1: Intro to Art and Design II

Intro to Art and Design II Assignment (Optional)

Lesson 2: Art in the Community

Art in the Community Assignment (Optional)

PART B: Review of Elements and Principles of Art and Design

Lesson 3: The Elements and Principles of Art and Design

The Elements and Principles of Art and Design Assignment (Optional)

Lesson 4: The Principles of Design: Theory

The Principles of Design : Theory Assignment (Optional)

PART C: Fundamental Techniques:Painting,Drawing and Sculpture

Lesson 5: Drawing-Line-1D

Drawing-Line-1D Assignment (Optional)

Lesson 6: Painting-Color-2D

Assignment 6: Landscape (Optional)

Lesson 7: Sculpture-Form-3D

Sculpture-Eorm-3D Assignment (Optional)

PART D: Other Techniques

Lesson 8: Camera Arts

Camera Arts Assignment (Optional)

Lesson 9: Graphic Design

Assignment 9: Word and Image

Lesson 10: Printmaking

Printmaking Assignment (Optional)

Lesson 11: Crafts

Crafts Assignment (Optional)

PART E: History of Art-Ancient Times

Lesson 12: History of Art-Ancient Times

Written Assignment 12


Portfolio Development/ Exhibition

Arts & Others / Life Management

PART I: Developing your Emotional Potential

Lesson 1: The Power of Self Belief

Lesson 2: Setting Realistic Goals

Lesson 3: Understanding Systems

PART II: Developing your Intellectual Potential

Lesson 4: Improving your Thinking Skills

Lesson 5: Improving your Study Skills

Lesson 6: Planning your Education

PART III: Developing your Physical Potential

Lesson 7: Eating Well

Lesson 8: Staying Healthy

Lesson 9: Changing Habits: The Self-Change Model

PART IV: Developing your Social Potential

Lesson 10: Communicating Effectively

Lesson 11: Effective Listening

Lesson 12: Effective Speaking

Lesson 13: Getting Along with Others

Lesson 14: Functioning In Groups

Lesson 15: How To Delegate

PART V: Developing your Action Plan

Lesson 16: Handling Change and Stress

Lesson 17: Managing Time

Lesson 18: Managing Money

Lesson 19: Preparing for your Career

Lesson 20: Bring it all Together

Music / Music Theory I


Lesson 1: The Staff.Clef Signs.Lines and Space Names

Lesson 2: Piano Keyboard.Musical Alphabet

Lesson 3: Measures.Time Signatures.Note Values

Lesson 4: The "C" Chord.Leger Lines.Grand Staff


Lesson 5: Dotted Notes.Repeats and Endings.

Lesson 6: C Major.Chords.Ties and Rests

Lesson 7: Eighth Notes. Eighth Rests.Quarter Notes.


Lesson 8: Flats, Sharps and Naturals.Accedentals

Music / Music Theory II

PART A Lesson 1:

C Major (5 finger position)

"Warmup Song"

I-IV-I-V7-I Chord Progression

PART B Lesson 2:

Accidentals (Using the black keys)


PART C Lesson 3:

D.S. al Fine

F Major

PART D Lesson 4:

Staccato Touch

Jingle Bells

Block Chords and Broken Chords


Chord Etude

PART E Lesson 5:

Little bit of Rock

Turning the Thumb Under

Crossing the Thumb Over

Using your Scales and Progressinos Packet

C, G and F Major


PART F Lesson 6:

Group 2 Keys

A, D and E Major ( Group 2 )

Music Terms