Each course at Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) brings the classroom to the student. Qualified instructors guide students with Video Lectures. Our Teacher Software combines audio lessons with a virtual black board outlining the material being discussed. Lessons are concluded with a Quiz reviewing the new material covered to ensure students retain critical material. Despite the step by step approach, our goal of combining rich media sources for each course is to make students independent and facilitate their advancement at whatever pace is most comfortable.
Keys to succeed in an Online Learning Environment:

Be consistent with the amount of time you spend each week.

Ask your Advisor for help when you need it.

Set a graduation date and work towards it. Set a completion date for each of your courses.

Visualize practical applications to the material you are studying.

Even though you are not in a classroom, limit distractions such as Television or multitasking while working on your courses. Doing so will help you learn the material and also to finish faster.