17101 NE 19th Avenue Suite 202
N Miami Beach, FL 33162

Tel: (305) 940-8855
Fax:(305) 940-4772

Facilitating education for adult students is an important focus of Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School). Many of our students are looking to finish High School and earn their diploma. Our outstanding alumni have been able to achieve the education that life may have interrupted. This is why our educational philosophy leans towards andragogy. This methodology fits well with the online or distance learning program offered by AIU High School. Andragogy is the antonym of pedagogy. In pedagogy, the concern is with transmitting the content, while in andragogy, the concern is with facilitating the acquisition of the content. Andragogy is a theory developed by Knowles (1913-97) which differentiates the needs of adult learners from those of juveniles and uses the term andragogy to describe the specific methods which should be employed in the education of adults. The Online High School programs offered at Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) make the educational process leading to a high school diploma attainable by students without the need to physically attend class

Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) is registered with the Department of Education of the state of Florida, Florida Private Schools Directory, in Miami-Dade County. Our programs meet the requirements outlined by the state for High School level education. The School is eligible to receive funds from the Office of Student Financial AssistanceFlorida Resident Scholarship and Grant Programs. Our academic curriculum follows the common core standards and includes the recommended content of both the Sun Shine State Standards (SSS)and Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). The Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) online programs offer all the required courses and credits for grades 9-12 leading to the completion of a high school diploma. Any high school courses or credits completed previously by the student may be transferred to the AIU High School program.

Andragogy International Universe holds International Accreditation from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities) with Premier Status for its commendable Areas of Operation.

ASIC Accreditation is a leading, globally recognized quality standard in international education. Institutions undergo an impartial and independent external assessment process to confirm their provision meets rigorous internationally accepted standards, covering the whole spectrum of its administration, governance, and educational offering. Achieving ASIC Accreditation demonstrates to students and stakeholders that an institution is a high-quality education provider that delivers safe and rewarding educational experiences and is committed to continuous improvement throughout its operation.

About ASIC: One of the largest international accreditation agencies operating in 70+ countries, ASIC is recognized in the UK by UKVI - UK Visas and Immigration (part of the Home Office of the UK Government), is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Accredited and is a Full Member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation), a member of the International Schools Association (ISA), and an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).

In case of any prospect-student needs to validate his Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) diploma in his own country, we inform you that this is an individual process, case by case. Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) has students from many countries and its responsibility on this process is null. We strongly recommend the prospect-student pursuing this type of validation process to verify in detail with the authorities of your country so you´ll have all the necessary information about it

Key Aspects of Andragogy:

The adult learner moves towards independence and is self-directing. The teacher encourages and nurtures this movement.

The learner's experience is a rich resource for learning. Hence, teaching methods include discussion, problem-solving etc.

People learn what they need to know, so that learning programs are organized around life application.

Learning should be based centered around experiences, since people best retain knowlege in this way.

Andragogy requires that adult learners be involved in the identification of their learning needs and the planning of how those needs are satisfied. Learning should be an active rather than a passive process. Adult learning is most effective when concerned with solving problems that have relevance to the learner's everyday experience.

Mission & Mission AIU High School's online diploma programs and courses bring the teacher and learning materials to the student via video and audio content freeing students of the need to attend classes. Education is your future, earning your high school diploma at AIU by distance learning has never been this easy.
Core Values - AIU High School's online diploma programs and courses bring the teacher and learning materials to the student via video and audio content freeing students of the need to attend classes. Education is your future, earning your high school diploma at AIU by distance learning has never been this easy.

Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) has no walls, nothing to hold you back. Learn from anywhere you can access the Internet, on your own schedule - no one else's. Why wait for the next semester to begin? Join the online learning revolution now!

Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) online distance learning high school diploma program fits my life because...

Benefits of earning your High School Diploma Online with Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School)

Affordable Education is a Human Right as indicated in the Declaration of Human Rights. AIU High School is committed to remove the barriers to education not just nationaly but also internationally. One limitation can be cost which is why our programs are among the most affordable yet of the highest quality. Flexible payment plans and financial assistance help our students chart a path to complete their education.

Convenient There are no classes to attend. No books to buy or material to purchase. Each online course contains all the reading materials, assignments tests, lessons and lectures. You will have the freedom to decide when and where it is convenient for you to study and most importantly at what pace. Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) works at your pace to help you successfully earn your diploma.

New Opportunities Becoming a High School graduate can open an endless amount of possibilities for you. Thousands of graduates have continued their education by enrolling in career schools, colleges, and universities across the nation. Many graduates have also qualified for higher paying jobs that require a valid High School diploma.

Flexible, Fun and Easy! Earning your High School Diploma has never been easier and more fun than with home study programs. Have a question while you're studying? Call our toll-free number and let one of our counselors walk you through the solution. Since you can take the exams until you pass (with no additional cost), learning is both easy and fun!

Accelerated Learning: Year round program availability and academic assistance give you the opportunity to study. We offer true rolling enrollment and self-pacing so students can start anytime and get credit immediately upon completing a course. In a classroom setting, as well as many other online programs, students are required to complete the same assignments at the same time and wait until the end of the semester to start the next course. At Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School), students have a personalized set of assignments that fit their goals and ability level.

World Class Online Library: 16 million full text journals articles and periodicals from 2559 professional publications, over 30,000 e-books, and 108 million bibliographical references, only a click away.

#1) AIU High School Gets a New Look - 17 Jul 2009
Better look, feel, layout to the Student Section, Virtual Campus, and the School web site thanks to the hard work of our dedicated IT Department. Students enjoy the new features as always comments and suggestions are welcome.

#2) AIU High School makes available 22 college level courses - 15 Jul 2009
Advanced or College bound High School Students looking to challeng themselves can choose for a number of college level courses. These courses may be taken on as electives and form part of a high School program. In addition they may for part of a Certificate or Diploma program seekign to specialy qualify an individual in a specific area. A focus or specialty may be advantagious careerwise as it demostrates strong skill sets to potential employers. Some of the courses are: --On Click of Titile open Course information.

#3) Spanish Language Courses Now Avaialble - 15 Jul 2009
Due to the growing number of participants from latin America in AIU High School, the Faculty and Staff are very proud to anonce the availability of all high School courses in Spanish.

#4) President Obama's Message - 15 Jul 2009
Droping out of High School is no longer an option in todays world if we are to stay competitive, provide for our families and be productive citizens. See his coments on education duriing this speach to Congress. .

During President Barack Obama's address to Congress on February 24th 2009, a challenge was set fourth to each and every one of us, both students and educators alike. Simply put, we can not sustain the current drop out rates and hope to remain competitive. AIUHS seeks not only to meet this challenge domestically by lowering the barriers to education, but also in the international level by making our programs available everywhere there is a willing mind and an Internet connection. The typical obstacles of time, distance and money are eliminated or greatly reduced falling in line with the challenge requested by our president. Students, we call upon your hard work, commitment, and dedication as you are the most vital component in meeting this challenge. Whether with AIU High School or elsewhere, put your education first as it will enhance no only your personal opportunities but those you will be able to afford and make available to your family, community, your country, and the world. We welcome you to AIU High School and are happy to be a part of your future prosperity.

» Full transcript of presidents speech on education

AIU High SchoolPlease submit resumes and a completed application to:
By Fax: 305-940-4772
By E-mail: student.services@aiuhs.org
By Mail: AIU High School Att: Human Resources
16695 NE 19th Avenue
N Miami Beach, FL 33162

Available Positions:
Course Author - Must have experience teaching in traditional classroom settings and have all required reading material available electronically, in other words, not textbook based, as Andragogy International Universe (AIU High School) does not requre students to purchase textbooks.

Academic Advisor - Some students excel and thrive in an online environment, however some may struggle with the degree of discipline and independence it requires. So, do you have the motivating ability, dedication, and commitment to ensure all your students will have a better chance for success with you by their side? If so, hungry minds await you in the near future here at AIU High School.

Admissions Counselors - Being an online High School, many of our student-faculty interactions are done remotely via e-mail, video conference or phone. Especially by phone, can your personality come though at a distance? If the answer is yes then a future may await you, helping AIU High School prospective students chart a path to success.

Administrative/Other - Open seasonally and as positions are opened.

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Partner your School with AIUHS - AIU High School offers an online distance learning diploma program helping you: finish high school, at a virtual high school, distance learning high school, high school program, graduate from high school, high school course, high school classes online, and high school courses online. Deploy existing world-class AIUHS courses to expand your offerings.
Tell us what you need, our team will develop and produce the content you need.
Complement you physical space with online offerings.
Apply AIUHS e-platform to manage your students and educational programs.
Ask us how?

Daritza Ysla: daritza@aiuhs.org

Request Information or Apply Online to Get Started - online high school, high school diploma, finish high school, virtual high school, distance learning high school, high school program, graduate from high school, high school courses, high school classes online, high school course online, Florida high schools, correspondence, home study at a private high school.
Online Courses - Online high school courses available in English, English II, English III, English IV, Math, Algebra, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biology II, Economics, Government, World History, US History, Computer Applications, Computer Applications II, Web Design, Spanish, Spanish II, Personal Fitness, and Music Theory. All courses are online via distance learning.

A World of Learning

Available Courses

Available Programs - AIU High School helps you finish your high school diploma, earn your diploma, online high school, high school distance learning, courses, education, graduate from high school, virtual high school, Florida high schools, correspondence and home study at a private high school.

Depending on your situation, AIU offers three program choices leading to your high school diploma.


Academic Excellence - Why Choose AIU High School's online distance learning diploma programs, finish high school, virtual high school, distance learning high school, high school program, graduate from high school, high school course, high school classes online, and high school courses online.

Each course taken will give you the tools and knowledge to succeed at the next level.


The Online Library at AIU High School contains a wealth of research material just a click or brief search away, 108 million quality records, over 29,000 e-books, dozens of databases and more than 15.9 million full-text and full-image articles. Finishing your high school diploma online research assignments has never been this easy. Earn your diploma at a private high school, virtual high school, distance learning high school, high school program, graduate from high school, high school course, high school class online, florida high school, high school courses online.

Our Online Library puts 16 million resources and 29,000 books at your fingertips!


Request Info - AIU High School helps you finish your high school diploma, earn your diploma, online high school, high school distance learning, courses, education, graduate from high school, virtual high school, Florida high schools, correspondence and home study at a private high school.